InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.


Research and Innovation Partnerships

In the past years, there have been many adaptions in the area of European partnerships, funded by the European Union.

Research and innovation partnerships have been introduced into the European R&I landscape following the Lisbon strategy (2000) with the aim to develop the European Research Area (ERA) and to combine national and European R&I funding and activities. Public-Public Partnerships (P2P) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) were the main types of partnerships under Horizon 2020 and were designed to overcome the fragmentation in the R&I landscape, to avoid duplication of efforts, to address economic crisis, competitiveness and innovation. Public-Public Partnerships (P2P) comprise Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), Art. 185 initiatives, ERA-NETs Cofunds, and European Joint Programmes (EJPs). (1)

FNR is actively involved in development and innovation activities in the field of renewable resources/bioenergy and participates in a number of research and innovation partnerships  described below.

The current framework programme Horizon Europe, introduces a more strategic and impact-driven approach to partnerships. It sets out common life-cycle criteria for all partnerships with the focus on the effectiveness in achieving agreed Union priorities like openness, coherence and synergies with other relevant Union initiatives (including missions). Also, it introduces a systematic process for selecting, implementing and monitoring all partnerships, linking them with the Strategic Planning of Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe distinguishes between 3 types of European Partnerships:

  • Co-Programmed European Partnerships
  • Co-funded European Partnerships using a programme co-fund action
  • Co-funded European Partnerships using a programme co-fund action


Source: FNR/Hardy Müller