InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.



European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Renewable Fuels and Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2

Building on the already twelve years of support to the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) and ETIP Bioenergy, the ETIP-B-SABS 2 project has further strengthened the cooperation of renewable energy and bioenergy stakeholders in the Energy Union and in particular in the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) over the past 3.5 years. ETIP-B-SABS 2 has actively engaged with these stakeholders during this period and linked their needs to European Commission policies. The project made the following contributions:

  • Support and further development of SET Plan activities and strategic R&D implementation plans;
  • Collaboration and interaction with other relevant initiatives related to renewable fuels, decarbonisation of transport, bioenergy and biomass valorisation / bio-based value chains;
  • Provide science-based and up-to-date information on the bioenergy sector;
  • Engaging stakeholders to better understand the stakeholder perspective and socio-technical aspects of technology development and implementation with a particular focus on supporting outreach and engagement of civil society actors;
  • Supporting the European Commission and Member States in defining research programmes and funding instruments, while reducing the need for TRL research and advancing near-market technologies.

Important events that were organised in the frame of the project comprise the 9th and 10th  Stakeholder Plenary Meeting, a series of five online workshops entitled “REDII Implementation and Beyond”, organised by ETIP Bioenergy, IEA Bioenergy and the Sustainable Biomass Program as well as two seminars on the climate impact of bioenergy organised jointly by ETIP Bioenergy, IEA Bioenergy and Renewable transportation fuels and systems, a collaborative research program financed by the Swedish Energy Agency and f3 Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels.

A constant provision of scientifically sound, unbiased, up-to-date information on renewable fuels and the bioenergy sector has been implemented via constant and regular updates of the ETIP Bioenergy website, the creation of new website sections, the development of a status report on advanced biofuel demonstrations in Europe, review articles as well as user guides related to the search for patents, publications and research projects. ETIP Bioenergy provided input to relevant stakeholder consultations and in expert groups. The extended Steering Committee meetings (together with the Advisory Board) were a central instrument to intensify the exchange with Member States.

The ETIP-B-SABS 2 project, coordinated by FNR, was funded by the European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020.

Duration: 09/2018 – 12/2021




This project was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825179.





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