InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.



ERA-NET Cofund for Monitoring & Mitigation of Greenhouse gases from Agri- and Silviculture

The aim of the ERA-NET Cofund ERA-GAS (2016 – 2022) was to strengthen the transnational coordination of research programmes and provide added value to research and innovation on monitoring & mitigation of Greenhouse gases from agri- and silviculture in the European Research Area. The project, funded by the EC under H2020, was initiated by the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI).

ERA-GAS addressed especially the challenges of:

  • Improving national GHG inventories and monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions
  • Refining and facilitating the implementation of GHG mitigation technologies
  • State of the art production systems that are profitable and improve food and for biomass production while reducing GHG emissions
  • Assessment of policy and economic measures to support emissions reductions across the farm-to-fork and forest-to consumer chain.

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) participated in ERA-GAS with its funding programme “Renewable Resources” managed by the FNR. On behalf of BMEL, FNR participated in the joint call of ERA-GAS and funded the German partners in one of the 10 recommended projects: “Wise use of drained peatlands in a bio-based economy: development of improved assessment practices and sustainable techniques for mitigation of greenhouse gases“ (PEATWISE).

Further, FNR was majorly involved in preparation of the Early Career Researcher Summer School on GHG monitoring and mitigation in agriculture and forestry activities in June 2019.


Early Career Researcher Summer School on greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring and mitigation in agriculture and forestry,
12-14 June 2019, Amsterdam
, The Netherlands

The Summer School was organized by the FNR and aimed at early career scientists (PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers), who wanted to deepen their understanding of the role of key GHGs in the Earth System with a special focus on GHG emissions and carbon sequestration related to the agriculture and forestry sectors.
The FACCE ERA-GAS Summer School offered to Early Career Researchers an invaluable opportunity for learning and networking during dedicated sessions at the NCGG8, discussing GHG methodologies and inventory development with leading scientists and benefitting from interactive sessions focussed on career development and funding opportunities.

Further information:



Early Career Researcher Summer School on greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring and mitigation in agriculture and forestry

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696356.






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