Global Bioenergy Partnership
The "Global Bioenergy Partnership" (GBEP) started its work in 2006 at the 14th meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-14) and has received mandates from the G8 countries in the following years. GBEP has grown significantly over the past decade and now has more than 70 members. GBEP has the task of expanding the production and use of modern bioenergy, especially in emerging and developing countries, and promoting sustainable development. Her activities focus on the areas of sustainable development, climate change and food and energy security. GBEP provides a platform to organize, coordinate and implement targeted international research, development, demonstration projects and commercial activities related to the production, transport, conversion and use of biomass for energy generation. The focus is on funding in the emerging and developing countries.
Twenty-three countries and 15 international organisations and institutes are represented in the GBEP. In addition, 31 countries and 12 international organizations participate as observers. Currently, GBEP partners and observers make up most of the bioenergy produced worldwide. Germany is represented by the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) represents the BMEL in relevant areas in the committee and supports the ministry in an advisory capacity in its areas of competence.
The national contact is the Agency for Renewable Resources.
Further information: GBEP "Global Bioenergy Partnership" Website
FNR contact person: Lena Huck