InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.


RES Germany

The Renewable Energy Sources and the Renewable Energies Heat Act

Legal regulations are important development steps towards sustainability in the context of the energy and climate policy. Plant operators, energy companies, our society and our environment will benefit from energy generated from clean and future-proof resources. In 2009 the Renewable Energy Sources and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (German: EEG) entered into force in Germany. In 2012 the EEG was amended.

For further information: BMEL (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture)

The Renewable Energy Sources Act - Facts and figures on biomass – The 2012 amendment

The first “Energy Transition” Progress Report

“The German government’s blueprint for energy reform, commonly known as the Energy Concept, serves as the compass for steering the “energy transition” – the transformation of Germany’s energy supply system to renewable energy sources (cf. EEG). It describes the road to a reliable, economical and environmentally compatible future for the energy supply system. Cost-effective solutions are crucial to ensuring that energy remains affordable for consumers. The motives for the energy transition are manifold: on the one hand, it aims to make it possible to phase out nuclear power. The last nuclear power plant in Germany is to shut down in 2022. The reform is also intended as an aid to achieving the country’s climate change mitigation targets.

Emissions of greenhouse gases are to be reduced by at least 40 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050, compared to 1990. If properly managed, the energy transition can make a major contribution to modernising Germany as a centre of industry and thus boost growth and employment. Another aim is to reduce the country’s dependence on oil and gas imports. Ensuring a reliable supply and keeping energy prices in check are key challenges for Germany’s competitiveness as an industrial location. This in turn will be a decisive factor in determining how attractive possible imitators in other countries may find their own energy reforms. But the energy transition will only find public acceptance and emulators if it remains affordable and if cost effectiveness and economic viability continue to be the guiding criteria.”

For further information: Visit the website of the BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy).


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The Energy of the Future, First “Energy Transition” Progress Report – Summary