Enhancing European Forest Management for Climate Resilience and Sustainability through the comprehensive monitoring system
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The latest issue of the newsletter of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Advanced Motor Fuel Technology Collaboration Programme (AMF TCP) has…
23 Jan 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 CET
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) hosted a webinar on 11 December 2023 as part of the Scope of Work of Activity Group 8, under the thematic area…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) is proud to announce the launch of its revamped website. The new website allows visitors to access information…
On 15 November more than 60 stakeholders from 30 EU and non-EU countries, attended the EUFORE online kick-off meeting for the Thematic Working Groups…
The European Wood Policy Platform (woodPoP) has been initiated by Finland and Austria. The platform is intended to promote wood-based policy dialogue…
IEA-AMF is proud to present the final report of Task 60 on the progress of advanced marine fuels. The Task started in November 2019 under the lead of…
The 10th Bioenergy Week was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 24 to 27 October 2023, and was especially focused on the Asia-Pacific region, where…
This workshop, organised by IEA Bioenergy in collaboration with ADEME, aims to discuss the role of bioenergy in the transition to a carbon neutral…
The GERMAN-BRAZILIAN BIOECONOMY WORKSHOP, held within the GreenRio 2023 event on September 1, 2023, marked a milestone in the collaboration between…
International Workshop with Experts from IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 39 and IEA-AMF, as well as representatives from Germany on 24 October 2023. Worldwide…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) webinar on 19 September 2023 from 15:00-16:15 CEST discussed innovative biomass production practices that can…
The GenB project is a European project, which aims to raise awareness on the bioeconomy building on communication and education that encourage and…
The ForestValue2 transnational call for proposals, dedicated to advancing the sustainable utilisation of forests and their resources while promoting…
Join the CETP Annual Conference from 24-25 October 2023 to catalyze actionable strategies, innovative solutions, and collaborative initiatives to…
Workshop by Interreg, Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) and Driving Urban Transition (DUTP) on 10 October 2023. We are facing a global…
Project to support the implementation of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan successfully completed The SET4BIO project, which was funded under the…
The Allthings.bioPRO project, coordinated by the FNR, was successfully completed in August 2023 after three years. On 29 August 2023, all 12 project…
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2023 is the second annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership. To cover different topics and RDI types, the Call is…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) webinar on 12 September 2023 from 15:00-16:15 CEST explored the challenges regarding wood energy data at the…
IEA-AMF is proud to present the final report of Task 63 on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The Task started in November 2021 under the lead of…
CETPartnership empowers people & organizations driving a fair clean energy transition for a climate neutral world.
IEA Bioenergy is preparing its work programme for the next triennium (2025-2027). The work of IEA Bioenergy is structured in a number of Tasks, which…
The 2022 annual report of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) on Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF) has been…
The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) invites you to join the 9th International Advanced Biofuels Conference from 20-31 September 2023 in…
Online seminar on 27.6.2023
EUFORE – First Regional Stakeholder Workshop with around 30 participants from six European countries to prepare a European Partnership on Forests and…
The IEA Bioenergy Annual Report 2022 provides a compilation of all achievements of this Technology Collaboration Programme in 2022. The report…
The European Union funded HORIZON CSA ForestValue2 has launched a Joint Call on the topics of "Resilient sustainable forest systems and management" an…
With the last physical conference held in Lisbon in 2019, EUBCE 2023, held from 5 to 9 June 2023, marked the return to real-world interaction after…
Opportunities and challenges for sustainable bioenergy and biofuels are the key theme of an online workshop on 22 and 23 May 2023, organised by the…
AllThings.BioPRO has released the serious game Mission BioHero and the Label BioHero app designed to help people of all ages to live more sustainably…
The European Union funded HORIZON Coordination and Support Action, ForestValue2 launches a Joint Call aiming to support transnational collaborative…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) webinar on 27 April 2023 from 15:00-16:15 CEST will explore case studies in Italy and Brazil on the use of…
How sustainable is the German bioeconomy? The new platform – www.monitoring-biooekonomie.de/ –bundles knowledge in straightforward graphics and…
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) invites you to the online workshop…
Since November 2022 the Horizon Europe Project EUFORE (European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem) is implemented by FNR together with 14…
Bio-based fashion designers wanted
The project TECH4BIOWASTE aims to provide the bio-based industry with a database presenting a complete overview of existing and emerging technologies…
15 projects launched on conflict mitigation, self-image or citizen participation in forestry
The latest issue of the newsletter of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Advanced Motor Fuel Technology Collaboration Programme (AMF TCP) was…
For now almost 20 years there is a successful EU collaboration in the forest based sector. The ERA-Net projects, starting with WoodWisdom developing…
Research team significantly improves the production of biobased aniline process in Bio4PURPro project.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Agency of Renewable Resources (FNR) invites you to two online workshops “…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Youth Award 2023 just launched. Bachelor, Masters and PhD students from research institutions in the Asia and…
The ForestValue Research Programme announces the upcoming call for joint European research projects with an indicative total public funding of 7…
The deployment of bioenergy in combination with carbon capture and utilization or permanent storage (BECCUS) is a hot and often debated issue, e.g. in…
The ForestValue consortium is proud to present the #10 ForestValue Newsletter, prepared by FNR. You are welcome to learn, among other news, about the…
European research resources in the forest-based sector remain fragmented due to multiple uncoordinated activities. ForestValue2’s aim is to contribute…
On 22 November, the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) organised an online workshop on the topic of reduction of peat use in horticulture. Speakers…
Recently started Horizon Europe project EUFORE (European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem) aims to provide insights into the future research…
23 Nov 2022, 15-18h CET
New technologies and/or products that make efficient use of sustainably produced biomass are one of the cornerstones of the bioeconomy and can create…
Expert forums on biogas storage power plants and the fermentation of farmyard manure.
AllThings.bioPRO has released a serious game and smartphone app designed to help people of all ages to improve their sustainable behaviours and become…
The Allthings.bioPRO project informs citizens about the bioeconomy in a playful way and shows how the bioeconomy can be integrated into our everyday…
The ForestValue Final Conference was held at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid on 28-29 of September 2022. The conference brought together around…
The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 presents the commonly agreed set of objectives and tasks for a more effective transition to sustainable and circular…
Task 63 of the Advanced Motor Fuel Technology Collaboration Program (AMF TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) is organising a series of…
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Agency of Renewable Resources (FNR) invites you to the online workshop…
The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) invites you to join the 8th International Advanced Biofuels Conference from 13-15 September 2022 in…
Better mechanical properties, less weight
International research network develops recommendations
The latest issue of the newsletter of the Advanced Motor Fuel Technology Collaboration Program (AMF TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) has…
Thursday, June 30 2022, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST
SET4BIO is a collaborative Horizon 2020 project to support the implementation of the SET Plan Action 8 – Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy. The project…
The ForestValue consortium is proud to present its #9 ForestValue Newsletter, prepared by FNR. You are welcome to learn, among other news, about the…
The 2021 annual report of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) on Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF) has been…
The ForestValue network with partners from 18 countries is pleased to invite you to its Final Conference. After 5 years, 2 joint transnational calls…
PtJ and FNR jointly present projects on the bio-based economy
With the recently launched podcast series, Allthings.bioPRO dives into the concept of the bioeconomy. Bioeconomy experts and representatives of the…
The IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) has published its Annual Report 2021. It includes a special feature article ‘Sustainability…
Please feel warmly invited to join another FACCE ERA-GAS Research Breakfast Club on the role of forestry in climate change mitigation. The event will…
31 March 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
We look forward to welcoming you in Madrid to learn from ForestValue research projects’ results, success stories and inspiring keynotes, to network…
Please feel warmly invited to join the FACCE ERA-GAS Research Breakfast Club on forestry in the era of climate change! It will provide a chance to ne…
It is ERA CoBioTech’s great pleasure to invite YOU to the 3rd and final ERA CoBioTech Hub Meeting, which will take place as a virtual conference on Ma…
The ERA CoBioTech VIDEO CONTEST is now open and will be closed March 15th, 2022. Are you interested in biotechnology? Are you a highschool or…
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Youth Award 2022 launched recently. Bachelor, Masters and PhD students from research institutions in the…
With the recently started series of podcasts, Allthings.bioPRO dives into the concept of the bioeconomy. Experts of the bioeconomy and representatives…
Please feel warmly invited to join the FACCE ERA-GAS Research Breakfast Club! Thematic focus varies between the 3 events – from forestry over…
The ERA-NET Bioenergy Thematic Seminar “Highlighting innovative bioenergy research” on January 18th 2022, organised by FNR, provided an exciting…
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region project BalticBiomass4Value, of which the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) was a partner, ended on 31 December…
The most recent issue of the newsletter of the Advanced Motor Fuel Technology Collaboration Program (AMF TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA)…