InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.



New IEA Bioenergy publication "Deployment of BECCUS value chains"

The deployment of bioenergy in combination with carbon capture and utilization or permanent storage (BECCUS) is a hot and often debated issue, e.g. in the frame of the Intergovernmental on Climate Change (IPCC). BECCUS can be an example of carbon negative energy production, but it involves also a number of challenges. BECCUS was the topic of an IEA Bioenergy activity between 2019 and 2021 under the lead of Task 40 “Deployment of biobased value chains”. The key outcomes have been summarised in a new report “Deployment of BECCUS value chains- synthesis report “From concept to commercialisation”, which is available on the Task 40 website:

More background and several case studies are available here:

FNR represents Germany, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture, in the Executive Committee of IEA Bioenergy. Task 40 is led by Uwe Fritsche, IINAS Darmstadt, Germany.

FNR contact person: Birger Kerckow


IEA Bioenergy



IEA Bioenergy