In the frame of the ForestValue2 transnational call for proposals on the topics of "Resilient sustainable forest systems and management" and "Sustainable timber construction systems“ a total of 25 proposals were submitted on 1 September 2023. FNR had a key role in the Call Office and the call implementation process. After the formal review and check for national eligibility, 21 proposals were scientifically evaluated by an independent international expert panel. In December, the ranked list of proposals was matched to the available public funding by the participating funding agencies. Four proposals with a total requested funding of €4.7 million were recommended for funding:
- CRESTIMB – InCREased Service life of innovative TIMber Building systems (FI, IE, IT, NO, PL, SI)
- TiREX – Framework for smart condition reassessment of Reclaimed Timber to eXtend the service life of long-lived wood products using non-destructive testing and automated data postprocessing (NO, ES, FI, LV, PL, SI)
- SOSFOR – Unveiling sustainable operating spaces for European forests (IT, DE, ES, NO, RO)
- IFORPLAN – Innovative spatial forest planning for supporting resilient multifunctional forest management (SI, EE, FI, PL)
After successful national funding negotiations the projects are expected to start in late spring/early summer 2024 and run for 3 years.
For more information visit the ForestValue2 website.
ForestValue2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101094340.
FNR contact person: Carina Lemke