InternationalFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.



ForestValue2: 10 more weeks to submit your proposal! Promotion of European research cooperation in the field of forestry and wood construction

The European Union funded HORIZON CSA ForestValue2 has launched a Joint Call on the topics of "Resilient sustainable forest systems and management" and "Sustainable timber building systems". Funding organisations from 11 countries (incl. BMEL via FNR for Germany) are providing a total of up to €7 million to support innovative transnational research projects.

Deadline for project proposals is September 1, 2023, 13:00. Projects are supposed to start in the first half of 2024. The proposal has to be submitted via the proposal submission platform, available at

If you are interested in connecting with other stakeholders and/or enlarge your consortium, you are welcome to complete the ForestValue2 Networking Survey. Current profiles interested in networking can be found under

WebSite of the call:    

FNR contact person:  Carina Lemke


